• CBD from Hemp vs. CBD from Marijuana

    CBD from Hemp vs. CBD from Marijuana

    CBD has been the biggest three-letter buzzword in the food and dietary supplement industry. But where exactly does it come from? It’s not a simple answer as Cannabis sativa is a complex plant. It boasts two related species, hemp and marijuana, and contains over 400 chemical compounds, including the 113 identified cannabinoids. But the concentration of each compound is balanced differently between the two...
  • Bluebird Botanicals Glossary of CBD Terms

    Bluebird Botanicals Glossary of CBD Terms

    Hemp is a plant with a prosperous and storied past. But, while hemp has found itself as a power player dating as far back as Mesopotamia, the language of hemp has often been misused to stoke fear or misinformation about the plant. Alongside historical misnomers, the hottest cannabinoid in town - CBD - brings with it a host of new vocabulary as research into...
  • A User’s Guide to Getting Started With Cannabis

    A User’s Guide to Getting Started With Cannabis

    This new world of cannabis products can be daunting to understand. Given that cannabis is a frontier industry at the moment, there are many companies out there that will sacrifice the quality and integrity of what they are selling to turn a profit. These compromises can potentially have profoundly negative impacts on your overall health. To the end of curating a more informed cannabis...
  • What’s In Your CBD Oil? Making Sense of Labels and Lab Tests

    What’s In Your CBD Oil? Making Sense of Labels and Lab Tests

    Clean eating has been a rising health interest for a few years now, and rightfully so. Most modern consumers recognize the importance of knowing what’s in their food and how it affects them. But how many people give the same consideration to their supplements? With the growing popularity of CBD oil as a health supplement, hemp extracts are suddenly flying off the shelves. However,...
  • Where Does CBD Come From?

    Where Does CBD Come From?

    As CBD products have begun flooding the markets and showing up in everything from coffee to shampoo, many people are already familiar with its possible effects and benefits for health and wellness. Yet, not many people are entirely familiar with what exactly CBD is and where it comes from. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the 100+ cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids...
  • The High-CBD Cannabis Comeback

    The High-CBD Cannabis Comeback

    From Suzy Q to Harlequin, cannabis marketed as high in CBD is one of the fastest growing segments on dispensary shelves. After years of underground marijuana breeding that pushed the THC levels very high and knocked the CBD levels down low, CBD is finally making a comeback. Many people new to cannabis are starting with CBD hemp extracts because it doesn’t get them high....